Theme Weddings
“Mawage! Mawage is what bwings us togetha today!”
Are you looking to create a fun wedding ceremony that incorporates your love for all things nerdy? I would be delighted to bring your vision to life! Whether it’s a subtle reference to May the Fourth, or stepping into a fully realized LARPing world.
I’m happy to work with you to incorporate the quotes, references, and passions that inspire you. All done in a way that is still approachable to your wedding guests not familiar with the references.
I’m happy to work with you to incorporate the quotes, references, and passions that inspire you. All done in a way that is still approachable to your wedding guests not familiar with the references.
Some past references include...
I’ve playfully incorporated references to these worlds into wedding and commitment ceremonies in the past:
- Star Wars and the Mandalorian
- Lord of the Rings
- Dr. Who
- Game of Thrones
- World of Warcraft
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Star Trek
- Superman
- The Princess Bride
- Medieval Fantasy LARP
- Halloween spookiness
- Love of video games, table top games, manga, anime, comics and more!
- Star Wars and the Mandalorian
- Lord of the Rings
- Dr. Who
- Game of Thrones
- World of Warcraft
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Star Trek
- Superman
- The Princess Bride
- Medieval Fantasy LARP
- Halloween spookiness
- Love of video games, table top games, manga, anime, comics and more!
Han: "I love you."
Leila: "I know."
What could adding these references look like?
What could adding these references look like? Here are some examples:
Lord of the Rings: music from the movies, readings from the books, reading that is a letter from JRR Tolkein to his wife, jokes about your ring bearer being the “lord of the rings”
Star Wars: music from the movies, doing a Yoda voice to ask to hear your consent to enter marriage, having Storm Troopers as part of the entrance, incorporating the Han and Leila quote ““I love you” “I know”” in to the ring exchange, wishing guests “May the Fourth be with you” (and sometimes having them reply “And also with you!”)
Princess Bride: Using the “Mawage!” speech by the bishop to open the ceremony
LARP: I wrote an entire custom wedding in the style of a marriage between a distinguished medieval Lord and Lady
Halloween: I’ve created a fully custom wedding script officiating in the character of a murderous clown, where we all howled at the full moon together. I’ve also officiated as the Grim Reaper and mixed in plenty of spooky references.
Lord of the Rings: music from the movies, readings from the books, reading that is a letter from JRR Tolkein to his wife, jokes about your ring bearer being the “lord of the rings”
Star Wars: music from the movies, doing a Yoda voice to ask to hear your consent to enter marriage, having Storm Troopers as part of the entrance, incorporating the Han and Leila quote ““I love you” “I know”” in to the ring exchange, wishing guests “May the Fourth be with you” (and sometimes having them reply “And also with you!”)
Princess Bride: Using the “Mawage!” speech by the bishop to open the ceremony
LARP: I wrote an entire custom wedding in the style of a marriage between a distinguished medieval Lord and Lady
Halloween: I’ve created a fully custom wedding script officiating in the character of a murderous clown, where we all howled at the full moon together. I’ve also officiated as the Grim Reaper and mixed in plenty of spooky references.
My bucket list...
Help make my theme wedding dreams come true! I would still love to officiate as:
- A character from Star Wars. Perhaps as Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Yoda
- A Zombie. Zombie priest would be fantastic
- Vampire LARP, or post-apocalyptic LARP
- Jack the Pumpkin King from Nightmare before Christmas
- A T-Rex dinosaur
- Some character in drag—drag king, drag queen—it all works for me!
- A character from Star Wars. Perhaps as Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Yoda
- A Zombie. Zombie priest would be fantastic
- Vampire LARP, or post-apocalyptic LARP
- Jack the Pumpkin King from Nightmare before Christmas
- A T-Rex dinosaur
- Some character in drag—drag king, drag queen—it all works for me!
Why stop at weddings?
I also think it would be fantastic to have themed child welcoming ceremonies! A welcoming ceremony officiated by Glenda the Good Witch, or the Mat Hatter?! Yes, please!